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Friday, 23 February 2018

See These Effects of Bleaching Cream on The Skin

In the world where almost every black wants to have a lighter skin, bleaching is becoming a norm for most blacks in Africa. But little did they know that trying to change nature have long lasting side effects that may even in some cases lead to skin cancer and other skin diseases. If you are thinking about bleaching your skin then this article is for you to understand the effects of bleaching on the skin. Also if you are already using a bleaching cream, then you need to read this article to know why you should stop.


1. Prone to Disease: Most skin bleaching cream destroys/reduce the the thickness of the human skin. This makes it easy for disease to easily penetrate through the skin and during a skin disease attack, there is little or no resistance from the epidermis bleachers. A survey conducted by s group of students in DESPO(Delta State Polytechnic Otefe) Nigeria shows that people that uses bleaching creams are 80% prone to skin disease compare to persons who don't use bleaching creams.

2. Psychological Effects: The psychological effects of bleaching is another reason why most people should be careful when contemplating bleaching. The concept of Man acting like a woman is coined from most of these men bleaching and looking like females. At some point, men that bleach no longer see themselves as male but as female. While skin bleaching might have been associated with female in the 90s, it seems the trends have shift a little bit with more guys coming online on social media with bleached skins.
bleaching black man
 Photo credit: Pulse Naija

3. Body Odor:  As ridiculous as it may sounds, people who get involve in skin bleaching have skin odor. Because of this most of them constantly needs deodorants and body spray to smell nice when the midst of others. This body odor is worse when these persons are in a low ventilated area or room.

4. Addiction: As funny as you may think this sounds but skin bleachers are addicted to this act. They can't do without using the cream for a couple of days. The major reason behind this is that, the moment they stop using the bleaching cream they also start having skin with mixed colors and pores. Hence to maintain the new skin they have forcefully acquired, they need to constantly be using the bleaching cream.

There are other various side effects of using bleaching cream but this article is based on some local findings and observations. So before you think about bleaching your skin, try and weigh the side effects to see if it truly worth it.


  1. Everybody want to get toned even the beautiful black ladies still believe their skin isnt good enough for them. Free Healthcare and Fitness But when you consider the side effect of bleaching cream, they will learn someday i believe. Leave your skin alone

  2. Please delete this stupid article. You have no basis for anything here. This is disgraceful. I have been trying to research side effects of skin bleaching and stumbled upon this garbage called article. It’s the worst one I’ve seen today and almost certainly has 0 facts. Delete as soon as possible.
